THE ENDURANCE GAME began with its invention in 2018 in Pune, India by Indian physical education instructor Yogesh Kore as a more entertaining and interesting sport than any other racing form in sports.
Who Are We
Yogesh was a 35-year old post graduate teacher when he created the Endurance sport to keep athletes involved in sport of racing. The idea came up to keep involving athletes on smaller track as many times big tracks are not available or away from the city.
As the game is played on time duration, it is not required to have a fix distance of track. It can be played on a smaller track too.
The first game of Endurance
In 2018, Yogesh used LED watch to indicate time duration, First event trial event was for 1.00 min and 2.00 mins duration. Players capacity to perform for longer duration was tested in these races which gave the sport its name ENDURANCE.
The students were enthusiastic and happy to play a new version of racing. Word spread about the newly invented game and numerous sports clubs got associated.
Yogesh wrote a copy of the rules, which were published in the month of March 2019, it was published in Sports City Annual Calendar, SPORTS CITY Training Sports Club campus paper.
Endurance World Federation Registration Number is U92490PN2022NPL216964